"> Pay per Result SEO - Resources

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Removing the Inherent Risk of SEO

Far from being a typical SEO agency, we're pioneering new standards in digital marketing. Our Revolutionary "All the Stops" Performance Based SEO coupled with our "Radically Affordable" per keyword pricing allows even the most budget conscious of companies to consider investing in their digital future.

Pay per Result SEO - Resources

Pay for Performance SEO Company

Pay for Ranking Search Engine

Pay per Result SEO

Definition of Pay per Result SEO

Pay per Result SEO is a model that aligns the interests of SEO agencies and clients by ensuring that payment for SEO services is contingent on achieving specific, predefined results. These results often include hitting certain keyword rankings, experiencing traffic growth, or achieving other critical performance metrics. As a Performance Based SEO agency, we stand firmly behind this model because it embodies our commitment to delivering tangible outcomes for our clients.

Pros and Cons of Pay per Result SEO

  • Alignment of interests between the SEO provider and the client.

  • Reduced financial risk for clients, as payment is contingent on results.

  • Encourages SEO providers to employ effective and efficient strategies.

  • Possibility of overemphasis on short-term results.

  • Limited scope of work predefined by specific results.

  • Potential for ethical corners to be cut in pursuit of quick wins.

How Pay per Result SEO Works

Our Pay per Result SEO approach involves a detailed initial analysis and agreement on specific, measurable goals. These might include rankings for selected keywords, traffic milestones, or other relevant KPIs. Performance is then closely monitored against these benchmarks, with our compensation directly tied to achieving the agreed-upon results.

Popular Pay per Result SEO Pricing Models

  • Rank-based pricing, where payment scales with achieving or maintaining certain keyword rankings.

  • Traffic-based pricing, focusing on the percentage increase in website visitors.

  • Conversion-focused pricing, directly related to the increase in leads or sales.

Common Misconceptions about Pay per Result SEO

One common misconception is that Pay per Result SEO guarantees business growth or a return on investment (ROI). While closely aligned with performance metrics, these outcomes depend on various factors, including market conditions and the competitive landscape. It's our responsibility to set realistic expectations and work diligently towards achieving the best possible outcomes within these parameters.

Factors to Consider Before Engaging in Pay per Result SEO

  • Define clear, achievable goals that align with your broader business objectives.

  • Understand the timeline for seeing results, keeping in mind that SEO is a long-term strategy.

  • Ensure the SEO provider uses ethical, white-hat techniques to avoid penalties from search engines.

Benefits of Pay per Result SEO

The primary benefit of this model is its risk-reduction feature for businesses. By paying only for achieved results, companies can invest confidently in SEO, knowing their funds are directly contributing to tangible performance improvements. Additionally, this model fosters a more collaborative, transparent relationship between us and our clients, as both parties are focused on the same outcomes.

Risks of Pay per Result SEO

While the pay-for-performance model mitigates financial risk, it's crucial for businesses to recognize that not all SEO goals are equally valuable or impactful. Focusing too narrowly on specific keywords or short-term gains can divert attention from comprehensive, long-term SEO strategies that yield sustainable growth. It's our role to guide our clients through setting balanced, strategic goals that serve their business interests holistically.

Comparison of Pay per Result SEO with Other SEO Pricing Models

Traditional SEO models often charge monthly retainer fees regardless of outcomes, leading to potential misalignment of interests. In contrast, the Pay per Result model ensures that the SEO provider's success is directly linked to the client's success. This creates a partnership dynamic, where both parties are incentivized to pursue the most effective strategies.

Tips for Choosing a Pay per Result SEO Provider

  • Look for transparency in how results are measured and reported.

  • Check for a history of ethical SEO practices and sustainable results.

  • Ensure clear communication regarding what results can realistically be achieved and in what timeframe.

At Performance Based SEO, we embody the ethos of paying for real, measurable results. Our approach is designed not just to meet the immediate needs of our clients but to foster long-term growth and success. By choosing a pay per result model, businesses can confidently invest in SEO, knowing that their success is our top priority.

Additional Resources:

Montreal Crafts Hobbies

The requested organization is not found in the scraped content. Localsearchpositioning.com

SEO Canada

SEO Resellers Canada offers a great selection of services that build brands with 360 solutions, like SEO & Link building, Social Media Marketing, Web Design & Mobile Marketing, Quality Content Marketing, Keyword Search, Online Marketing and Consulting, and much more. You can go online to their website at seoresellerscanada.ca to see how their services can help you grow your business.

Seo Packages

Inquire about our affordable SEO packages at Do It SEO when you contact one of our marketing specialists. If you're interested in trying out our SEO service, get started with our free trial to experience instant results with no contracts. Test drive the best SEO platform on the Web for free and let us know what you think. Doitseo.com

Define Curated Content

Curated content, as defined by Curator Contender, is the process of selecting, organizing, and presenting high-quality and relevant information from various sources for a specific audience. Our software allows users to create unlimited uniquely curated content with powerful embeds and iframes, ensuring that the content remains contextual and valuable within their niche. With the goal of simplifying the curation process and enhancing backlink strategies, Curator Contender enables users to auto-insert images, embed videos, webpages, RSS feeds, Google Maps, and driving directions with ease. By providing over 100,000 spun title creations and offering ready-to-go niches, our software stands as a valuable tool for digital marketers looking to boost their SEO efforts. With a focus on creating Web 2.0 entities that index and rank well, Curator Contender helps users generate powerful backlinks that drive traffic to their main websites. Our commitment to providing high-quality, relevant content ensures that users can enhance their SEO strategies effectively and stand out in their respective industries.

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Eternia Digital Dojo
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Eternia Digital Dojo is a leading flutter app development company based in Tacoma, WA. We specialize in creating memorable digital products through branded web development and user experience design. Our obsession with hand-crafted design, organic code, and the latest web technologies drives us to deliver exceptional results. We excel in setting clients apart in their industries, achieving national recognition for their marketing strategies and web presence; check us out online!

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JobCalls is an HVAC and plumber marketing firm that specializes in helping our clients get the most out of their advertising budget. Our extensive experience in hvac advertising allows us to deliver effective campaigns that reach the right people at the right time. We use a combination of traditional and digital methods to ensure you get maximum exposure for your hvac services. Jobcalls.com

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Decentralized apps, also known as dapps, are a type of software application that runs on a decentralized network. Bitcoin, the first and most well-known decentralized app, enables peer-to-peer electronic cash payments. Other examples of dapps include Ethereum, Litecoin, and Dash. Visit Hashtag.Org for more information about dapps.


Founded in Salisbury, NC, Performance Based SEO has intertwined its roots deeply with the community for over 15 years.

Contact Us

1012 S Fulton Street

Salisbury, NC 28144


Tel: 813-345-4097
Text: 813-345-4097

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Monday - 9:00am - 5:00pm

Tuesday- 9:00am - 5:00pm

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